Author Topic: MF 3.0 & iPad 1st generation  (Read 1941 times)


  • Knight
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MF 3.0 & iPad 1st generation
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:19:38 AM »
This is in response to the described dilemma from the thread,

I had envisioned and anticipated such types of scenarios and resulting predicaments and thought worth sharing, though pardon if this has been previously pointed out. 

It seems worth a reminder for some and a suggestion for others that the original iPad is unable to upgrade the iOS beyond 5.xx and MF2.xx, therefore a dead end for those who wish to utilize such hardware with MF3.xx and subsequent versions. But these antiquated 2010AD version devices may provide a possible solution for those that may have no need or more importantly no desire for the new facilities and HUI of MF3.xx and/or any doubts or suspicions of iOS 6.xx and later compatibility concerns.
Unintended automatic iOS updates would never be a worry and life continues as others have come to expect within the MF2.xx HUI environment.
Recent eBay sold prices on iPad 1st Generation units hover around $100 U.S. , and local CL Los Angeles listings as low as $50 U.S., should not be to much of a price barrier to ensure stability and familiarity for particularly those multi-user venues and environs.