This is in response to the described dilemma from the thread, had envisioned and anticipated such types of scenarios and resulting predicaments and thought worth sharing, though pardon if this has been previously pointed out.
It seems worth a reminder for some and a suggestion for others that the original iPad is unable to upgrade the iOS beyond 5.xx and MF2.xx, therefore a dead end for those who wish to utilize such hardware with MF3.xx and subsequent versions. But these antiquated 2010AD version devices may provide a possible solution for those that may have no need or more importantly no desire for the new facilities and HUI of MF3.xx and/or any doubts or suspicions of iOS 6.xx and later compatibility concerns.
Unintended automatic iOS updates would never be a worry and life continues as others have come to expect within the MF2.xx HUI environment.
Recent eBay sold prices on iPad 1st Generation units hover around $100 U.S. , and local CL Los Angeles listings as low as $50 U.S., should not be to much of a price barrier to ensure stability and familiarity for particularly those multi-user venues and environs.