Just kidding on the pot. Actually it is legal in Maryland. My grandfather cured me of smoking at age 3 or 4. He gave me my own pipe loaded it and I puffed. After turning various shade of blue and green I decided it wasn't for me. Never went near the stuff since. MF 3.0 has been out for a while !!! Nov 27 2014 to be exact.
The new law in Maryland decriminalizes quantities under 10 grams, but it is still a civil offense to have any. The fines for possession of less than 10 grams start at $100 for a first offense. And, it's still a criminal offense if you smoke your 10 grams in any sort of paraphanalia (pipe, "bowl," "bong," hooka, etc.).
I smoked cigarettes a little bit a long time ago, but pot never did anything other than give me a headache.
MASTER Fader is, indeed out, and it looks pretty good. I'm needing MY Fader 3.0 so that I can finish upgrading and let my performers tweak their monitors.