I use MF and my hard drive, mainly for the amount of music I can store on it , (wav files are large)and the ability to quickly play backround music unexpectablly from sound booth or read of venue . im new to this Bluetooth , so how do I get the music on my iTunes/ipad to play remotely via Bluetooth pedal to mixer ? thanx
My suggestion is to first put all of your walkin, walkout, break music in your itunes library. Highlight all the tracks and convert them to MP3 files.
As you probably know this will radically decrease the size of the files, that's a good thing
While you are in iTunes, click on preferences, then under the general tab, you will find an "Import Settings" window, you can click on this window to set the bit rate for your MP3 files.
I use 192 kbps. While this is not exactly wave file quality, it is still very decent sounding.
Once all of your music is imported into iTunes, you can create playslists containing any of the songs in the music folder of iTunes.
All the songs will reside in the music folder of iTunes, and songs that are listed in playlists are not duplicates but instead, just a reference to the song that is in the music folder, so,
you can delete songs in a playlist, and you can delete an entire playlist and the songs will still remain in the music folder. Deleteing a song from the music folder will indeed remove it from your iTunes Library.
I do not use Bluetooth streaming because as far as I am concerned it uses considerably more battery power than Wi-Fi.
I use an Apple Airport Express Wi-Fi router, (not an Airport Extreme) and this little router is so cool, it has a 3.5mm stereo connector that can be connected to two (for stereo) of your inputs on the DL mixer.
Open iTunes on your iPad, iPod or iPhone, and swipe up to reveal the "Airplay" setting. Choose the Airport Express router, now any music you play on that device will stream in stereo to your DL mixer.
It's wonderful.
Another thing I do is I make a playlist that plays for about two hours and I just let it play constantly with "repeat" turned on. As soon as I hear the lead singer say "
OK folks, we'll be right back"
instantly I scroll to the input channels that the Airplay is plugged into and turn up the fader, then I hit my mute button that is labeled "BREAK" I have all inputs except the lead singer's mic and the music channels assigned to that MUTE MASTER.