Author Topic: DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?  (Read 13033 times)

Paul M

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DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
« on: June 03, 2015, 03:12:38 PM »
Has anybody successfully used the DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
I can't make ProTools use the DL32R for sound input. It shows the DL in the Hardware setup and I/O setup but it won't let me add any of its inputs or outputs. Is there a Mackie driver out there somewhere? I have been searching but all I find are the promos that only mention DAWs in general without details.

Paul M

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Re: DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2015, 04:25:35 PM »
Just after I wrote my first post I discovered what I needed to do. In ProTools the DL must be selected in three different setups before anything happens.

1. Hardware Setup
2. Playback Engine
3. I/O Setup.

I was missing the playback engine.

Now all I need to do is figure out how monitor the input and the recording automatically. Right now, I'm hearing both all the time, through the monitor headphone jack, which is patched to XLR outputs 13 & 14.

Any suggestions?


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Re: DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2015, 01:46:06 AM »
Been using Cubase for some time now and I'm not familiar with Pro Tools, but I expect they are similar.  What I can't figure out is why you would want to use the DL for if you're not recording through it.  You should have all the DAW tools you need without the DL.  (After you've recorded the tracks.)  You have PEQ, effects, can automate the volume while playing back......  So what are you doing that you can't do without it.


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Re: DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2015, 01:54:16 AM »
OK, I get it.  You are using it as an input device.  (Got to stop reading things to carelessly.)  Sorry.  Once you get it working on one channel the rest are easy.  Couple of things in Cubase that you might run into on Pro Tools.  Monitoring the input sends the input to the channel output.  That can be a feedback source.  So watch the outputs.  Mine usually defaults output to the input device.  (Alesis Multi-mix16 firewire in my case.)  Take care to trace the flow through the entire track and make sure it's not headed to an input channel.  (I'm fine unless I'm recording from the L/R outputs.  that's the only place the input from my computer can go.  I normally have that shut off.)

Paul M

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Re: DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2015, 03:58:07 PM »
Yes, you've got the gist of what I'm doing, Wynnd. And you predicted the problems I had with monitoring feedback, too.

For band rehearsals or gigs, nothing is easier than recording with an external hard drive on the DL and then dumping the tracks into ProTools for mixing and editing. I love it.

Now we want to start tracking, overdubbing, punching in, etc. 32 input channels is overkill for me, but my other interface has only two mic pre's. This will be great for tracking the drum kit.

I bought the DL32R a few months ago but it was only yesterday that I got it to work with my Mac laptop. I could not find any information on the web about how to do this. The reason is probably because the answers are so obvious to people who often set up various interfaces with ProTools. (I'm a dialogue editor by day, so I don't even need an audio interface; just a headphone output and/or speakers.)

As I said, I got it working and I am amazed. I don't know how it manages to record 32 tracks of 48kHz/24bit audio simultaneously through a USB2 printer cable without a glitch - but it does.

So for those like me, here is a checklist to get your DL32R to communicate with ProTools 11 (and probably other versions, too.)


1. Select DL32R in the Hardware Setup
2. Select DL32R in the Playback Engine
3. Select DL32R in the I/O Setup, click "Default" for a quick set up.
4. Latency Monitoring Mode will mute the audio in some systems. If you have this problem, switch off Low Latency Monitoring and choose a low buffer setting in the Playback Engine to minimize delay.
5. Use output 1-2 (This might have been a note to myself, only – it might not apply to you.)


1. The monitor source from ProTools is "USB 1 & 2." Patch "USB 1 & 2" to "MONTOR L & R" for headphones and to "XLR 13 & 14" for speakers. (This is the default setting for listening to the DL's main mix. You might have set yours up differently.)
2. Leave all channel inputs on "Input A." You might get unexpected audio leaking in through the "B Inputs."
3. If you have a channel or channels set up for hard drive playback, mute them. They will send audio back to the mix that you don't want.

I eventually figured this out on my own but I appreciate your help Wynnd. I hope this helps others, too.


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Re: DL32R as an interface for ProTools 11 on a Mac?
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2015, 12:45:52 PM »
Nice work and I'm sure it will help others.  I don't see myself going beyond my DL1608, so my recording device will still be the Alesis Multimix.  Personally hoping that the Mackie will carry me to where I want to quit doing this. (Or die, whichever comes first.)   I can see all the advantages of the DL32.  Unlike a lot of people, I'm into shrinking at this stage of my life.  Bigger is just more work and this 62 year old doesn't want extra work.